Important Information and Reminders
General Information/Policies/Procedures
¬ Contact Information
It is VERY IMPORTANT that we have the correct contact information for your child. If there is a change in address or phone number throughout the year, please inform me (and the school) of the changes. Please make sure that I have your current email address. Email will be my primary source of communication.
¬ School Dismissal
If for any reason there is a change in your child’s dismissal, please send a written note to inform me of the change. In the case of a last minute change, please DO NOT leave me a voicemail message. Make sure that you inform someone in the “Main Office” of the change.
¬ Lunch
Lunch can be brought from home or purchased from school daily or in advance. The cost of lunch is $2.65. Each child will be given a lunch ticket and student identification number to track lunchtime purchases. It is much easier for the children if lunches are purchased in advance. Purchasing bulk lunches can be done by sending in a labeled envelope with payment and the amount of lunches you wish to purchase or through the school’s website. Milk is also available for purchase daily.
¬ Homework
Our homework routine will begin after Back to School Night. In the meantime, small assignments and/or “getting acquainted” assignments may be sent home. Please use the time in the beginning of the year to establish evening schedules and routines for your child.
¬ Birthdays
Birthdays are special days! All MIS classrooms will be celebrating birthdays with non-food activities this year. In our classroom, the birthday child will receive special privileges for the day; as well as taking home a class made birthday book. If you would like to visit on your child’s birthday to read a book or implement an activity, please let me know in advance. All ideas are welcome. The visit should last no longer than 20 minutes in length. Please refrain from sending any food into the classroom on your child's birthday.
*To avoid hurt feelings, invitations to outside birthday parties cannot be distributed through school unless the entire class or one entire gender from the class is invited. I would like to have a contact list ready by Back-to-School Night. If you would like your child to be included, please fill out the attached “Friend’s List” form and send it back to school ASAP
Additional Reminders
- LABEL, LABEL, LABEL everything! This avoids confusion or loss of articles.
- Please make sure your child brings a backpack and his/her binder to school each day.
- Don’t forget to send an art smock to school if you have not done so already.
- If you are visiting our classroom for any reason, please stop in the office to get a visitor’s pass.
- Remember that children go outside for recess everyday (weather permitting). Please be sure to have your child dressed for the weather and wearing comfortable shoes, suitable for running and climbing.