MacFarland Intermediate School Home

News & Announcements

The Registration Form for the 2024-25 School Year is Now Available Featured Photo

The Registration Form for the 2024-25 School Year is Now Available

If you child is returning to the Bordentown Regional School district for the 2024-25 please complete the form to verify your information and sign off on all required school agreements. Please note that you will need your snapcode to access the form. MIS has emailed 2024-25 snapcodes to parents.
Report Your Child Absent/Tardy Featured Photo

Report Your Child Absent/Tardy

Please use the attached link to report your child's absence/tardy. Keep in mind that unless the absence is reported, it will be marked "unverified" which may lead to attendance improvement meetings and possible truancy hearings.

Note that any absences due to COVID related symptoms should be communicated directly to the school nurse for further directives regarding the need for testing.
Covid Attestation Form for Students Featured Photo

Covid Attestation Form for Students

If a COVID-19 test is indicated due to presenting symptoms the District will allow an over-the-counter/at-home COVID-19 test, with a photographic upload of the result or printout of the result with the student’s name clearly present; If an at-home antigen test is used an attestation by the student’s parent/guardian that the test was performed on must be provided. Each school nurse will make available on the school’s website the form required from the student’s parent/guardian that will be used to collect this information. Please click on the title above to access the form.
