Christine Corcoran » Social Studies

Social Studies

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  • Our Social Studies curriculum utilizes the Social Studies Alive! Regions of Our Country program. This program has a variety instructional approaches that encourages hands-on learning, group work, class discussion, and fun projects. The students will read and take organized notes in their interactive notebooks. Study guides will be provided for the assessments.
Image result for regions of the united states
Chapters of Study include:  
A Train Tour of the Northeast Region
  • A Boat and Bus Tour of the Southeast Region
  • A Crop Duster Tour of the Midwest
  • A Big Rig Tour of the Southwest
  • A Van and Airplane Tour of the West
  • The Geography of Your State (NJ)
  • The History of Your State (NJ)
  • Researching Your State's Economy (NJ)
  • Researching Your State's Government (NJ)
Social Studies and Science rotate every 6 weeks. Therefore, we may not address all of these chapters. 
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