What's New in Basic Skills
October into November: MIS Grades 3-5
I’m looking forward to discussing your child’s progress at fall conferences in November! Use this link to choose a time slot. Comment if you would like to meet in person (room 105) or virtually. Links to all virtual meetings will be sent that week.
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade math groups continued along their customized i-Ready learning paths. They also practiced material from unit 1 in preparation for their unit tests.
3rd Grade: WIlson Reading System students have been working on accuracy and automaticity with words containing blends in Latin roots and other closed syllables. We also worked with exceptions to this syllable type. Two BSI sessions equals one Wilson Reading System lesson (one day reading, one day spelling.) A third day is spent working on i-Ready individualized learning paths.
4th Grades: Our fourth grade Wilson students have been decoding words with a mix of short and long vowel syllable types. They added Latin bases with long vowel sounds to their skill sets. Two BSI sessions equals one Wilson Reading System lesson (one day reading, one day spelling.) A third day is spent working on i-Ready individualized learning paths.
5th Grades: Our students completed units 1-5 in the Voyager Sopris Rewards program. They worked heavily with vowel sound conversions and prefixes. Automatic recognition of these word parts will help fluency and spelling accuracy. We work with this program on Mondays, read and respond to comprehension passages on Wednesdays, and work on our individualized i-Ready learning paths on Fridays.