Welcome To Fourth Grade!
Welcome to Ms. Kerr's Fourth Grade Class! My mission as a teacher is to support children as they discover and explore new ideas in a safe, welcoming classroom environment.
February Events
5-Board of Education Meeting
7-Superbowl Day (Fun Friday); Pretzel Day
8-Sweetheart Dance
13-100th Day of School; Wear Pink or Red (Valentine's Day Celebration)
14-No School (Staff in Service)
17-No School (President's Day)
19-Barnes and Noble Night; Board of Education Meeting
20-PTO Meeting at 7pm
21-Favorite Sweatshirt Day (Fun Friday)
28-MIS Spirit (Fun Friday)
What Are We Studying This Month?
Reading-Biography Project
Writing- Literary Essay
Math- Multidigit Multiplication; Fraction and Mixed Number Computation
Science-Soil, Rocks, and Landforms
If you need to contact me, my email address is [email protected] or call me at 609-291-7192 ext. 5202!