This year your child will not receive grades, just as in the past. Your child will be receiving a score of either 1, 2, 3, or 4 based on how well they meet each standard for each topic in class. The overall scoring guide is below.
Performance Levels
4 – Exceeding Standards - The student shows in-depth knowledge and understanding. The student applies skills with consistent accuracy, independence, and high level of quality. The student exceeds standards for this point in the school year.
3 – Achieves Standards - The student can apply strategies and skills learned independently. The student consistently demonstrates proficiency in the skill area at grade level.
2 – Approaching Standards -The student demonstrates some understanding of the subject area or skill. Practice is still needed to further develop the skill and promote the child’s understanding. The student responds to reminders, hints, and suggestions.
1 – Needs Support -The student does not demonstrate the skill, and has difficulty completing the task independently. The student shows limited understanding of the skill or concept. Area of concern that requires support.
X – Not Evaluated at this Time