Classroom News

Here are some of the units and skills/concepts we will study throughout the school year in each content area:
Writing:  personal narratives, information writing, persuasive writing, fairy tales, poetry, research writing
Reading: summarizing, making connections, visualizing, characterization, inferring, theme, etc.
Math: +/- math facts, word problems, fractions, time/elapsed time, measurement, x/÷ facts, geometry, place value in whole numbers and decimals

1. Structures of Life

2. Water and Climate
3. Motion and Matter
Social Studies:
1. Geography
2. Bordentown History 
3. Citizenship and Government

The students are reading nonfiction text as well as working in fluency groups and book clubs. They are reading to learn new information as well as synthesizing the most important concepts from the text. Many of these topics lead to cross curricular work and provide many opportunities for students to engage in small group and whole group discussions. The children are also working hard on informational writing pieces. They have researched and taken notes on their topic in order to become an expert on their subject. They will have a chance to share their information with their classmates as we prepare to celebrate this unit in writing. 


The students continue to work on memorizing multiplication facts. They are practicing various strategies to solve larger addition and subtraction problems. This supports their work in solving number stories with single and multi-steps.