Reader's Workshop
Reading Supplies:
- Independent book, class novel, reading logs, reader's notebook
- Blue/black pens, pencils, erasers, no gel pens or mechanical pencils that must replace lead
- Reader responses
- 1 marble/ composition notebook ( reader's notebook)
- Post-It-Notes=PINS
- Word work related to vocabulary and spelling will be kept in their reader's notebook as well
- Homework=finishing up reader responses, reading work-jots, and filling in reading log; 25+ IB pages a day
*Google Classroom for ELA
Reading Workshop!!!
In reader's workshop, students will be expected to read independently for chunks of time, read aloud with peers, write about their reading, confer with me/another teacher, share their thoughts (thought-shots and doodle pages), use stop and jots, 4-box reading work, one-pagers, and use the reading strategies taught in mini-lessons as application and evidence of comprehension. As reading teachers, we want students to choose books that are "just-right" based on that child's guided reading level (GRL) or within reach of their guiding reading level. Students must choose books they are interested in and want to hang out with. It is expected that students log their reading, so I can confer about their choices, stamina, fluency and even recommend books. Another aspect of reading workshop involves read aloud. I hope to build a love for reading through reading out loud on a daily basis. Students will also be participating in the "HOT-SEAT," reader's theater, strategy groups, book clubs, some whole class novels, and literature circles.
Students are expected to have a novel (a fictional chapter book-that we call their Independent book/library book) with them each day in class.
Units of Study:
Interpretation Book Clubs – Analyzing Character/Theme
Historical Fiction-Social Studies Connections
Debatable Issues- Articles to Develop Arguments/Opinions/Social Issues
Nonfiction- Informational Texts
Fantasy, Poetry, Read Like a Fan
Get lost in a good book!!