Artsonia Information
Our school will be using Artsonia again this year to help share students artwork with friends, family and the community! An email regarding parent sign up has been sent to the email you provided the school with. Please follow the instructions to set up your parent account. Many students already have accounts from PMS and CBS that have carried over to MIS. If you are unable to make a parent account or cannot find the email that was sent to you- please contact me at [email protected]
Please visit our schools Artsonia page to check out the awesome work our students have been creating!
What is Artsonia?
Artsonia is an online student art museum that showcases your child's art portfolio throughout their years in the K-12 school system. The goal of Artsonia is to develop student pride as well as involve parents and relatives in our schools art program.
How do I get started?
You can set up your parent accounts by following the instructions on the email sent to you by Artsonia, or log-in using the username and password provided on the slip I sent home. If you need either of these re-sent, please let me know. From there, you can invite family members and friends to join your child's "fan club". You will then be able to view your child’s work, comment, and approve comments that have been written by family and friends. Artsonia can also raise funds for our art program. After the student artwork is published online, parents and family may purchase keepsakes from the museum imprinted with your child’s artwork. 20% of the revenue generated is commissioned back to the school’s art program.
Feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any questions or comments about Artsonia.
Distance Learning Information (2020)
We will be using Artsonia (and Google Classroom) to upload competed artwork during distance learning. This is how students will turn in their work to receive credit and feedback. It is also a great way to share your child's artwork with family and friends!
Directions for uploading your artwork on the old Artsonia app:
1. Open Artsonia app
2. Click "Students"
3. Enter our school code: KPZS-PKRP
4. Click correct for MacFarland Intermediate School
5. Type in your name (students name)
6. Click your name when it pops up on the list
7. Click add art in the top right corner
8. Select "Home Projects!"
9. Follow the steps on the screen to take a picture, crop and submit your work
10. Title the artwork with the activity prompt name and the title for your specific artwork (ex. Combine Two Animals - Gifafflamingo)
11. Tell your fans a little bit about your artwork. How did you make it? What materials did you use? What else would you like everyone to know about your artwork?
Our classroom code is: KPZS-PKRP

You can access this by using the Artsonia App for iOS/Android or browsing on a computer to
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Mrs. Wright