Mrs. Alexandra Wright » Virtual Assignment for Wednesday, May 15th

Virtual Assignment for Wednesday, May 15th

Create a Collagraph Print/Rubbing!
Hi 4th and 5th graders! Since we can't be together at school today, here is a fun art project for you to work on! Please be sure to read the instructions fully and watch each video if you plan to do this project.
What is a Collagraph?
A Collagraph is a type of printmaking. Printmaking is a technique used by artists to create multiple prints or copies of the same artwork. A very famous artist who used this technique is Andy Warhol. If you want, you can learn a bit more about him here! A Collagraph is when an artist uses different items or materials to create a collage. These collages tend to have TEXTURE. After the collage is complete, the artist creates prints of it (typically using printmaking ink- which is like a thicker sticky paint). 
Before getting started!
  • Decide on an idea for your Collagraph. You will see in my video that I did a lighthouse scene, but you can choose ANYTHING! A fish, a landscape, your favorite animal, fruit, flower etc.! Try to fill up the whole piece of cardboard with your design so that there aren't any parts that feel empty. Be creative and have fun!
  • Collect the materials you will need.
    • Various types of cardboard
      • Cereal boxes, granola bar boxes, etc.
      • Shipping boxes (corrugated)
    • Scissors
    • Liquid Glue
    • White Paper (Construction paper (or heavier paper) is best but printer paper will work as well)
    • Crayons (without wrappers)
    • Washable Markers
    • Tin Foil 
    • Clean sponge and Water
*Watch this video to learn how to design your printing plate. Remember, you can pick anything for your design. 
*Watch this video to learn how to create a rubbing and marker print with your plate. You can choose to try one technique, or both! :) 
If you do not have the proper materials for this lesson, you can follow along with any Art for Kids Hub videos:
I would love to see your artwork next week! Have fun!