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Welcome to the MIS PTO!  Our PTO strives to enhance and support the educational experience at MacFarland Intermediate School, developing a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement, and improving the environment at MIS through volunteer and financial support. Our PTO has provided the school with much needed technology, supplies, assistance with field trips and many fun events throughout the course of the school year. We recognize that all of our events and fundraising couldn’t be successful without the help of our volunteers!


Please reach out to any member of the PTO Executive board with any questions, comments or concerns and thank you for helping make our year a success!



2024-2025 MacFarland Intermediate School PTO Executive Board

Marybeth Evans- President
Kelsey Hess- Vice President
Jaime Gangone- Treasurer
Melissa Bitner- Corresponding Secretary
Margaret Sasso- Recording Secretary
Erica Kanka- Fundraising

Anyone can reach us at [email protected]