Julianne Bacovin » Homework



Homework will follow a daily routine.  At times the routine will change due to a holiday or studying for a test.  Each student will receive a planner.  The planner will have the daily homework, test/quizzes to study or any other reminders.  There will be time for your child to copy all homework from the board.  Please set up a quiet place in your home for your child to work on his/her homework. If a homework assignment is missing, I will be sending home an "OOPS I FORGOT" sheet.  A parent or guardian must sign and return.  All missing homework will be completed during recess or at home and returned the following day. Check the planner each night and sign. Each homework assignment should not take long.  If your child is having trouble completing any assignment, please contact me by note or e-mail. The routine will be as follows:

  1. Monday- Words Their Way. The students will be introduced to the list of words in class. For homework, they will sort the words on the template according to the pattern. The Math will include the Everyday Math Homelink.  Each student should read 15-20 minutes and record reading time in Reading Log. 
  2. Tuesday- ABC order, Math Homelink, read 15-20 minutes.  
  3. Wednesday- Choose five of the spelling words and write five sentences, Math Homelink,  read 15-20 minutes.
  4. Thursday- Study for Spelling(Word Study) test, Math Homelink, a Reading comprehension worksheet (this would be the reading time for the night).
  5. Friday- NO HOMEWORK/Return Reading Log every Friday signed by a parent. 

Words Their Way is a hands-on approach to practice spelling patterns in words. It allows students to manipulate words and/or pictures into different categories. This sorting process helps students analyze and examine, compare and contrast, and differentiate the patterns in words. This hands-on approach not only motivates students to practice spelling words but it also helps students internalize the spelling patterns in words for the future. 


How Much Should You Help?

GIVE YOUNGER CHILDREN WITH HOMEWORK only if they need it.  Start by making sure that they understand the directions.

DO A FEW PROBLEMS TOGETHER, explaining the parts that aren't understood.  Then let your child work alone. Check work, praise right answers and demonstrate how to correct mistakes.

LEARN UNFAMILIAR CONCEPTS TOGETHER WITH YOUR CHILD.  Your child is anxious to show you a new way to finish a math problem.  You may show him/her your way too!

AVOID FALLING INTO A PATTERN OF DOING THE HOMEWORK YOURSELF.  Instead support your child's own efforts.